Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Hollie D - lovely One-hit-wonder !!

 Today's update is for a girl who only has had one shoot for OnlyTease, but who is one of the better one-hit-wonders we have had.

 Hollie is a nice friendly-looking beauty who had her one shoot back in 2012.  Initially, her first sets were very popular and well received, and there were many calls for her to come back for more.  Unfortunately, Hollie just decided against any future modeling, so it never happened.  That is just how it goes some times..... A great new model comes on and looks very promising, but only does one or two shoots and then is never heard from again.  Certainly, only a small minority of models who shoot for OnlyTease ever complete more than 4 or 5 shoots and become "regulars."

 Hollie is quite a lovely one, and she was a girl who I also really hoped we'd see more of after her first shoot,  Anyway, enjoy this set of hers, in which she wears white pantyhose with a College-disco outfit.  This shoot just shows how much potential she had, and I would have loved to see what she would have done as she "evolved" as a model, with different hairstyles and outfits.


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